Get rid of reader’s block and start enjoying books again

Reading is like meditation for some, and an escape from reality for others. Whatever the reason for our love of reading, we all suffer from reader’s block occasionally.
Reader’s block is when you cannot read a book although you want to and even if you force yourself to read, you can’t focus and retain any information. No matter how much we love reading, we all suffer from reader’s block, which can get really frustrating.
The following are some tips that can be helpful if you wish to revive your love of reading again:
- Read short stories
Picking up a heavy book with hundreds of pages is enough to discourage one from reading it and it is even worse when you are suffering from reader’s block. In such a situation, it is best to start with short stories and work your way up. After finishing a short story, the sense of accomplishment will help you regain your confidence to start reading more challenging books.
- Re-read an old favorite
Nothing matches the joy of returning to your favorite book and meeting your favorite characters once more. Sometimes we find a new book intimidating because we are suffering from the anxiety and challenge of getting to know new characters and plots that overwhelm us, so we just put the book down. The charm of an old favorite is that you already know all about them, there are no mysteries or surprises, just like visiting old friends. Therefore, pick up a book you have already read if you feel too overwhelmed to start a new one.
- Explore new genres
Do you have a favorite genre and always read books of the same genre? Maybe it is time to change that especially if you are suffering from reader’s block. Sometimes we get bored of reading the same sort of literature, so it is best to explore other genres to see if your reader’s block is caused by boredom.
- Read about books if you can’t read them
There are a huge number of blogs, articles, and book reviews available online that you can read to spike your interest in books again. Reading about someone’s reading experience can get you interested to pick up that book and start reading. Similarly, reading book reviews helps you understand whether the book will be to your liking, and you can decide accordingly. Even reading articles can get you hooked on a certain topic which can lead you to look for books on that particular topic and start reading again.
Reading is a therapeutic practice for most of us and being deprived of that can be frustrating and irritating. Getting over the reader’s block is not an easy feat but trying out the tips mentioned above can be a good starting point. Happy reading!