Genashtim 2023
Genashtim in 2023

proved to be another landmark year for us. As we celebrated our 25th year of operations, we set new record financially as well our social impact. We honoured 13 of the team members who worked for us for more than 10 years. They are all people with disablilities

Revenues grew again by another 50% in 2023. Much of this came from our ESG Service Department, in particular the verification work for B Lab Global. Today, we have more than 80 expert across 20 countries delivering this service in french, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English, Bahasa Indonisia,and Chinese. We have been given another generous mention in their Annual report

In the coming year, this work be transferred to To-Cert Pte Ltd, which is our wolly-owned subsidiary, managed by a CCO.

For ourother products and services,whilst not having the same exponential growth experienced during the COVID-Ig years, they are nevertheless signiticantly highet than our 2019 numbers,and look set to continue to grow.

Our profits and cash flow continue to grow significantly.



Our financial success enabled us to increase employment, improve benefits for our employees, and fund  a growing number of social impact project.Read more about them in the Sustainability section of our website.

We are also very happy to publish our Sustainability Report witch complies with the requirements and guideline of the Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)

We were very privileged to have Professor Chris Marquis join us in Kuala Lumpur end November. Chris taught and Harvard Business School for 10 years, and then moved to Cornell University where he was Professor for Global Sustainable Enterprise and then move on to Cambridge University. He found time in between his speaking engagements to attend our Genashtim get-together which was followed by an event with the Malaysian B Corp companies.

A journalist from The Edge was invited to interview Chris. She also spoke to a number of the B Corp companies, and the outcome was this rather extensive article published on 13th January

Since starting with 24 Independent Verification Analysts for B Lab Global in September 2021, we have had to increase capacity three times. Currently, we have 45 people working on this, and another 25 are undergoing training. As we reached the first anniversary of this, we were told by B Lab Global that we had exceeded their expectations.

During the course of the year, we have started discussions with various national and regional organizations to do something similar for them.

Our traditional eLearning business, in particular our eCornell program, continues to grow exponentially. New clients include additional governmental institutions in the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia, and Traveloka, an Indonesian unicorn.

We have also been approached by some very large multinational companies for collaboration, and we hope that 2023 will see these deliberations bearing fruit.

We will be launching our ESG Business Institute at the beginning of 2023 as the global accreditation body for ESG professionals.


In 2021, Genashtim allocated US$ 100,000 for philanthropic initiatives, and will at least match this amount for 2022. After working with some of the refugee learning centers in Indonesia for some years, we have decided to fully fund two of them in 2023.

Through DG-Bridge, we have continued to support 11 families in Afghanistan who do not have any male adults. Of the 68 beneficiaries, 49 are women or girls. We have funded them with sewing machines and lessons in the hope that they will be able to support themselves.

We are proud to have made a big impact on the disadvantaged who are usually sidelined in society.  By providing them with sustainable and gainful employment, we have restored their dignity and self-respect. Learn more about them in this video:

Qessahai Maa – From Adversity to Advantage.




Genashtim continues to receive multiple international awards and recognition, details of which are on the news page of our website. We again made it to the ranks of Best-for-the-World among B Corps for seven consecutive years since we first got certified.


We continue to be grateful to our employees, our clients, and our principals for our continued success and growth in revenue. We will use this financial strength to deepen and broaden our social impact.

With the coming new Lunar Year, we associate ourselves with the positive attributes of the Rabbit, who is known to be elegant, alert, quick, skillful, kind, patient, and very responsible.